Saturday, March 24, 2012

Rallying Cries

(C) 2012 On Being Roman Catholic in America

The Stand Up for Religious Freedom rally in San Francisco on March 23, 2012, like the day’s companion events throughout the United States, had memorable speakers and many powerful eloquent moments. While RCIA blog could not capture them all--these and other quotes will likely all be found at other sites-- here is a sampling of the day’s “rallying cries.”

“Catholic Charities not an expression of religion?  . . . Unbelievable!  [on the Administration’s position on who qualifies as a religious employer] – George Wesolek, Public Policy, Archdioceseof San Francisco

 “Don’t force us: We will not do harm!” [on why conscience protection must be observed] – William B. May, President, Catholics for theCommon Good

 We keep our mouths shut, and evil triumphs everywhere.” [on why Christians can no longer remain silent] – Gary Wagner, Pastor, Reformed Heritage Church

 “The bell that once rang, is still ringing again:  Let freedom ring!  [on the growing chorus of voices in support of religious liberty] – Rev. Fr. Enrique Morales, Jr., Iglesia de Cristo Nuevo Pacto, San Francisco

 “Send the National Guard to close our (church-run) elementary schools . . . the answer is still No! [on why conscience cannot be compromised] – Dolores Meehan, San Francisco Walk for Life West Coast

We are here!  [on the “stand up” presence of Christians and others of faith united for religious liberty] – Walter B. Hoye II, Founder and President, California Civil Rights Foundation