(C) 2012 On Being Roman Catholic in America
“Catholic Charities not an expression of religion? . . . Unbelievable!” [on the Administration’s position on who
qualifies as a religious employer] – George Wesolek, Public Policy, Archdioceseof San Francisco
“Don’t force us: We will not do harm!” [on why conscience
protection must be observed] – William B. May, President, Catholics for theCommon Good
“We keep our mouths
shut, and evil triumphs everywhere.”
[on why Christians can no longer remain silent] – Gary Wagner, Pastor, Reformed
Heritage Church
“The bell that once
rang, is still ringing again: Let freedom ring!” [on the growing chorus of voices in support
of religious liberty] – Rev. Fr. Enrique Morales, Jr., Iglesia de Cristo Nuevo
Pacto, San Francisco
“Send the National
Guard to close our (church-run) elementary schools . . . the answer is still No! [on why conscience cannot be compromised] –
Dolores Meehan, San Francisco Walk for Life West Coast
“We are here!” [on the “stand up” presence of Christians
and others of faith united for religious liberty] – Walter B. Hoye II, Founder and President,
California Civil Rights Foundation